Friday, March 28, 2014

Blog proficiency

In-n-out is the best fast food place
Whats better Xbox or Playstation?

Go here to see the best website ever!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Free Choice

         Filming is something I want to do in the future. I like holding cameras and see how great the quality is on the computer. I’ve been interested in film like 3 years ago. My dad actually knows one of his clients that is part of a filming company. I gave him a call once, and I saw what he does and I didn’t except it not to be what I wanted. I maybe should just went for a starter. Being a filmmaker is pretty cool when you have an idea of what the film is going to be. Genres are important because you need an idea of what type of movie you want it to be.

         Having a script is the very first thing you need to begin a movie film. Creating a script can take long because you are creating actors and how they act and speak. There are two main people writing and giving ideas, Director and Producer. The director makes the movie happen and the way he likes it. Producer makes sure everything is the way he wants it and checking if there are mistakes. Cameras are important to filming because you will the need best quality ever. Cameras can be very expensive, but worth it.

         The fun begins when they’re making explosions and flying scenes because it fun for the actors to go flying away and the people look at it very amazing and fun looking. One cool thing about filming is that you can meet the amazing actors. Its always a good thing to meet new people and get to know them. I will soon become a filmer and will get to the top.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My favorite hobbies

My favorite hobby is playing baseball and videogames. I would play baseball at school with my friends, but normally they live far away from that I cant play with them in the weekends. Video games I usually play a lot with my friends on computer or in consoles. I like doing both it makes me happy and I love spending time with my friends. I normally play games more than baseball because I play as soon as I got and in school I play for a couple hours. Baseball does take place outside in the sun but we get to wear hats to protect our face.

Baseball is fun because they way you swing the bat and the feeling you get when you hit it, it just makes you feel like you accomplished something in the game. When you are up there as a batter you will hit the ball no matter how hard or soft you hit it. Basketball was my favorite hobby back then. I like shooting from three pointers a lot and it makes me feel amazing when everyone looks at me starts smiling, clapping, and cheering for me. It feels good when you do something you are good at, but there is always competition because there are more out there that love the sport. Why I got into this hobby well my sisters friends were at the park they invite me to play with them and they showed me how to play and they also taught me some mini games.

Games that I play involving sports that I like isn’t that much fun as doing them in real life. It’s always better to do them in real life than be lazy and playing the videogame. I don’t really have other hobbies I like to do rather than walking my puppy everyday and play with him. Playing with my puppy is fun, but I need to train him not to bite too hard when he wants to play. I may go back into basketball later on in the future, but right now isn’t a good time for me to play because I need time for school and study for an exam that I need to pass.

Monday, March 24, 2014

About Me

My name is Hector I am seventeen years old. I grew up in Costa Mesa California. I live with my parents and my little brother. I like playing baseball and basketball. I have never been a school sport because I don’t like competing with anyone else, but I like when friends and family play sports with me its all in fun. I also like playing videogames like any other guy out there. I have been playing videogames since I was three to four years old. Playing videogames does take time away from you, but I do it anyway because it’s really fun with other people online. I love animals, but not cats. Dogs are my favorite animals they are fun to teach the good and bad things around the house and the way to behave with others.

I have a puppy I just got him last Friday. He has problems with biting a little hard when he gets excited. I train him to not bite as hard and so does my mom. My mom has her own way of training my puppy she yells and smacks the dog on the lower back. My puppy’s name is Chubs my sister and I named him that way because when he was little he was really chubby. He doesn’t like it when we say “No! Stop it” he doesn’t care he does it anyways and growls at me or if anyone tried to stop him from doing something that’s not good around the house. I have a couple friends at school I’m not a social guy I presume. I don’t mind not having friends it can be lonely, but it’s mostly about family. I spend more time with family now. I haven’t back then because of videogames I have been really attached to it for some years.